
Stop paying fees for your online menu!
Did you know that it is possible to have online ordering available through your own website at practically no cost to your business?

Commission Free Online Menu

Stop Paying Exhorbitant Commissions!

It seems crazy to me, that many cafés and restaurants pay exorbitant fees to third parties in order to have an online ordering facility available for their business. Particularly for those businesses who self-manage their deliveries, the fees for orders placed through those platforms are UPWARDS OF 14% PER ORDER. This is a huge commission considering the third party doesn’t cook the food, prepare the food for delivery, provide any of the packaging or arrange collection / delivery of the order. They simply provide an online ordering platform.

Why pay third party commissions when you could take online orders through your own website at almost NO COST to your business?

Most businesses these days have a website or some form of online presence, so an online shop is quite a straight forward and relatively cost effective addition. Even for businesses without a website, creating commission free online menu is quite simple. Most website design platforms available on the market today have an eCommerce functionality available, or it is part of the design of the software itself.

Commission Free Online Menu

Lifetime Commissions Vs One-Off Design Fee

So you don’t have the capability or time to create the online shop yourself and are worried about the cost of paying a professional to do it for you?

Well yes, you are right a designer will charge a fee for their service. However, if you add up a minimum cost of 14% of your online orders over the life your business, compared to the one-off cost of hiring a designer to build you a shop … you may find the designer a little more attractive out of the two scenarios. Most designers would be able to create a store that will enable you to make simple updates and price changes, so that ongoing costs are kept to a minimum.